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天鸿圆方曾是首开集团的成员企业,拥有建筑工程设计甲级资质以及风景园林设计、城乡规划、建筑装饰装修设计与施工一体化等多项资质,并在这些领域取得累累硕果,其中不乏北京2008奥运会项目——奥运村和奥运水上公园、全国最大的经济适用房项目——回龙观文化居住区、北京商业新地标——西单大悦城等诸多有影响力的作品。迄 今为止,圆方的各类作品已先后获得省部级以上奖项逾百项,其中包括多个国际大奖以及詹天佑大奖、鲁班奖等若干国内重量级奖项。“圆方设计”为每个作品注入 全新的活力,正逐步成为业界一块值得信赖的铭牌。

天鸿圆方兼容并蓄,擅于国内外的合作交流,BDCL、易道、泛亚、百瀚年、丹下、王董国际、CPG、NBBJ、B+H、NPS、五衡建筑、合众国际、CDG、维思平、LINK、豪张思等许多一流的设计团队和清华大学、MIT、Cardiff University等众多知名的学术科研机构都曾作为合作伙伴与圆方开展过长期而愉快的合作。与此同时,圆方还是中国勘察设计协会理事单位及全国工商联房地产商会会员并担任全国房地产设计联盟常委。

创建绿色经典,是天鸿圆方矢志不渝的追求;让地球上的每个人都居于绿色建筑中,是天鸿圆方的美好愿景。作为立志成为国内绿色建筑设计领先机构,天鸿 圆方始终秉着绿色生态和可持续发展的设计理念不断前行:建立自己的绿建研发团队;开展与国内外顶级高校和科研院所深度合作;参与制定业界标准……每一步无 不折射出天鸿圆方创建绿色经典的决心。

在绿建方面的成就使得天鸿圆方先后荣获了“国际住协(IHA)绿色建筑奖——‘杰出贡献企业’”;联合国人居署颁发的“联合国人居署迪拜国际优秀范 例奖”等诸多荣誉。天鸿圆方的绿色建筑作品先后荣获“中国精瑞住宅科学技术奖-绿色生态建筑白金奖”和“绿色生态建筑节能金奖”等;奥运村获得“美国绿色 建筑协会”颁发的“能源与环境设计先锋社区(LEED-ND)金奖”,名副其实地成为历届奥运会中最具科技含量的绿色奥运村。




Beijing Tianhong Yuanfang Architectural Design CO., LTD.

Yuanfang was a member of Shoukai Group, Yuanfang possesses first-class credentials inarchitecture design and it also owns qualifications for landscaping, engineering geological prospecting and construction supervision. Over the years It has achieved a great many accomplishments, significant among them are these influencing projects: 2008 Beijing Olympic Games projects (the Olympic Village and the Olympic Aquatic Park), the largest economical residential housing complex in China (Huilongguan Residential Area) , Beijing new commercial landmark (Xidan Joy City). The company has won more than 100 awards at or above the provincial and ministerial levels, including a number of international major awards and domestically influential awards like the Zan Tianyou Award and Lu Ban Award. “Yuanfang Design”has become a sign of trustworthiness.

With an open mind , Yuanfang is always ready to communicate and engage in professional cooperations with outsiders. Famous international architects’ offices such as Edaw EarthAsia Ltd., Blight Voller Nield, Tange Associates, Wong & Tung international Limited, CPG Consultant, NBBJ and B + H, and domestic and world renowned academic and scientific research institutes like Qinghua University, MIT, Cardiff University, all have been Yuanfang’s strategic cooperative partners and involved in long-term pleasant cooperation with the company. Yuanfang is also a member of the Commerce Real Estate of the National Federation of Industry and Commerce Chamber and is the standing member of the Union of the National Real Estate Design. And it is the Secretary General (unit) of the National Urban Housing Design Research Net.

Creating green classics has been the objective of Yuanfang’s persistent pursuit, and to let every people living in a green dwelling is its expectation. Determined to take the lead in green architectural design, Yuanfang has persevered in the design concept of green ecology and sustainable development, and its unswerving resolution to create green classics is manifested by its engagement in the in-depth cooperation with the prestigious colleges and scientific research institutes at home and abroad, participating in the compiling of industrial standards, and so on.

Yuanfang’s achievements in green architecture endeavor has earned it a series of awards, including International Housing Association (IHA) Green Architecture Award (“Firm with Outstanding Contribution”), United Nations Human Settlements Program Dubai International Exemplary Model Award (conferred by United Nations Human Settlements Program). And the awards that the company has gained for its green architectural works include the Platinum Award for Green-ecology Construction (Elite Housing Science and Technology Awards), and the Golden Award for Green Ecology Energy-saving Construction. The Beijing Olympic Village received the LEEDND Golden Award for Vanguard Community in Energy Resources and Environment Design (conferred by the American Green Architecture Association). Indeed, the Beijing Olympic Village is truly a green construction that has incorporated most technological contents ever in Olympic history.

Yuanfang, a robust and energetic team, is dedicated to gaining a new vista that is based on and goes beyond the traditional design concept and to seeking the perfect balance between design/economy and ecology, so as to produce a unique value for society, environment and our clientele, and to bring about more scientific and creative architecture and landscaping design. Its slogan is:

Harmony between Technology and Art. Perfect integration with the Classic and Green.

Yuanfang designs are buliding up a world of wonder.


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